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The Focusroom is a minimalist extension of your workspace made from the highest-quality wood. Focusing your thoughts and harmonically blending into nature.
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Comment by Dezeen
Comment by Design Milk
The most minimalist outdoor shower.
When form reveals its origin,
It confesses to a process.
Not only does it satisfy the urge to read it,
But also to understand it.
Listen to the digital releases of Silent Stars on Sound Cloud.
Silent Stars takes you back into a time of calm settling security. As the saying goes: “With a true friend, there’s no need to talk.” This audio-art project presents 36 minutes of genuine silence in the presence of well-known public figures. Occasional sounds of a news paper being folded over, a door being opened or shut, the rippling of tea or coffee being poured. Those subtle sounds build a narrative basis onto which the listener projects their own memories of that person—and unavoidably blends in the sounds of their own presence, forming an unprecedented form of togetherness.
Planned as a limited-release art project on vinyl LP and years in the making, the global lock-down of many states due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Coronavirus) inspired us to release some recordings now and in digital form. With millions of people staying at their homes for multiple weeks time Silent Stars is a creative way to overcome social distancing.
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Produziert von Jonathan Regler, gesprochen von Markus Tuna. 3,5 Stunden. Hier erhältlich.
Aus dem Koffer zu leben, ist eine Kunst – besonders wenn er nicht selbst gepackt wurde. In der Erzählung des Schweizer Autors Luca E. Vicente Zwicky macht eben ein solcher Koffer die Runde. An ihm hängen die Sehnsüchte mehrerer Protagonisten, die sich im Umfeld der grössten Kunstmesse der Welt einen Namen zu machen hoffen. Einer Schnitzeljagd gleich führt «Glanz im Auge» durch verschiedene Milieus, deren Spielregeln die Erzählung klug und unterhaltsam zugleich hinterfragt. Entscheidend ist dabei weniger der Inhalt des rätselhaften Koffers, sondern die Haltung, die ihm entgegengebracht wird: der Freiheit, sich selbst neu zu erschaffen. Ein mitreissendes Leseerlebnis für alle, die das Besondere zu schätzen wissen.
Luca E. Vicente Zwicky: «Glanz im Auge». Lindau: Tarantik & Egger 2019.
Taschenbuch, 13€
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Is also your pool boy still using a cheap plastic pool skimmer to clean your precious pool? You’re not alone. Around the world expensive pools are cleaned with cheap plastic skimmers. But now there’s a quality pool skimmer made from metal. A skimmer worth of your pool. Polished brass and hand-sewed leather as in sports cars. Indestructible; the metal mesh. Like the chain armor of a knight. Features that make this pool skimmer rugged, premium, and unique.
Industrial waste is no side product of our civilization. It is its main product. To avoid waste would mean to disrupt the order of civilization. Waste is given to every respective surrounding in more or less toxic form. Toxic to what? And why? An ongoing use of the product is not considered. It lost its value. It became waste. Waste is considered a final product. The goal of civilization; its whole tragic. Decay and amalgamation are a normality of growing entropy, which is signaling its reign over civilization to everybody through waste.
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A form of luxury is owning unique furniture. This series is made from original wind turbine rotor blades.
Rotor blade furniture
Conference table
Dining table
Coffee table
“This was the most comfortable stay during all my travels.”
“Like sleeping in the future.”
“Surprisingly budget friendly. Having met my future wife there still feels like a dream!”
Beyond luxury lays meaning. Uniqueness. Stories.
Money is for everyone. Charakter only for some.
Bespoke furniture with unique stories. Contact.
If one does not want to bear the ordeal of word analysis the structure of meaning can only be reasoned when thought of it in a specific context. But context is deeply connected with another open term; meaning. Without context words and actions have no meaning. Not only is this true for human communication with words but for all communication in general and even for all intellectual processes—for everything within the mind—including the process that is directing an actinia how to grow or the ameba what to do next.
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“[...] meaning does not emerge from History but from Fiction. Because in the context of nonsense, reality and fiction are joined.”
—Martínez, Chus: Club Universe. Berlin: Sternberg Press 2016. Page 36.
In a post-truth aesthetic (nonsense) causal links between current and past events are not necessary anymore. Things can happen that have no relation to facts. This is why in a post-truth aesthetic completely new things can happen. The distinction between reality and fiction is non-existent. Only logic remains as a criteria to differentiate such events. Links through meaning therefore only exist in fiction. The question “Did it happen?” is replaced by a new question: “Could it have happened?”
Would—in addition—the border between meaning and logic dissolve; it would be a post-logic aesthetic. Here even links through meaning would be non-existent. Anything can be the product of anything, be linked to anything, can result into anything. Everything is reality. Everything is fiction. Arbitrariness rules. Like all the things—real or fictional—they would be jammed into a playlist that is put on shuffle. The single remaining criteria of distinction would be the chronology of events. The order in time. The question “Could it have happened?” is replaced by a new question: “Did it already happen?”
This chaos, these infinite possibilities of a post-logic aesthetic is the intellectual equivalent of physical entropy. Only a tremendous force of will can stop this kind of mental entropy that leads towards a fuck-it-all mentality. A mentality that avoids building chains of cause and effect., or that avoids to elicit arguments.
Should even the criteria of time vanish it would be a post-time aesthetic. All things would happen all the time. There are no criteria left to differentiate anything. There is no question left to ask. Only the statement: “It happens.”